"Find the flag hidden not so deep inside."
After opening up the .zip file, there is an easy.exe file within.
My initials gut feel is to simply step-debug this .exe file but realise that it's not doing anything interesting so i loaded it up into IDA Pro and found this interesting function that is never being called.
Let's extract out this function and form it back to C code like this here.
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>int main(int argc, char* argv[]){int v0 = strlen(")T(+,*'))$&T(Y)*#(+&#+)$%'T+&#(T");int v3 = v0 + 32;char *result = (char *)malloc(v0 + 32);char wtf[] = {")T(+,*'))$&T(Y)*#(+&#+)$%'T+&#(T"};int i;if ( result ){int v2 = 0;memset(result, 0, v3);for ( i = 0; i<strlen(")T(+,*'))$&T(Y)*#(+&#+)$%'T+&#(T"); ++i )*(result + i) = wtf[i] + 13;*(result + i) = 95;v2 = i + 1;*(result + v2++) = 65;*(result + v2++) = 78;*(result + v2++) = 68;*(result + v2++) = 95;*(result + v2++) = 77;*(result + v2++) = 79;*(result + v2++) = 79;*(result + v2) = 79;*(result + v2 + 1) = 79;}printf("%s", result);return 0;}
We should have something like the file that i've attached here.
If you compile and run the program, you will get the key.
Have Phun
how did you convert the assembly back into c code ? Is der any plugin for it or u did it by urself ?
ReplyDeleteDuring the competition, used HexRays, for the writeup i convert it from ASM back to C manually.